Created in the Dominican Republic in 1996 by craftsmen schooled in their long standing tradition, the Española cigar combines the finest, most patiently cultivated tobaccos, to create a smoke like no other. This cigar is smooth and well-balanced with a subtle sweetness gleaned from its Connecticut and Maduro wrappers. The Española Fine Cigar gives the smoker a pleasure that can only be gained by cigars made in the time-honored tradition


Created in the Dominican Republic in 1996 by craftsmen schooled in their long standing tradition, the Española cigar combines the finest, most patiently cultivated tobaccos, to create a smoke like no other. This cigar is smooth and well-balanced with a subtle sweetness gleaned from its Connecticut and Maduro wrappers. The Española Fine Cigar gives the smoker a pleasure that can only be gained by cigars made in the time-honored tradition

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Created in the Dominican Republic in 1996 by craftsmen schooled in their long standing tradition, the Española cigar combines the finest, most patiently cultivated tobaccos, to create a smoke like no other. This cigar is smooth and well-balanced with a subtle sweetness gleaned from its Connecticut and Maduro wrappers. The Española Fine Cigar gives the smoker a pleasure that can only be gained by cigars made in the time-honored tradition

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Created in the Dominican Republic in 1996 by craftsmen schooled in their long standing tradition, the Española cigar combines the finest, most patiently cultivated tobaccos, to create a smoke like no other. This cigar is smooth and well-balanced with a subtle sweetness gleaned from its Connecticut and Maduro wrappers. The Española Fine Cigar gives the smoker a pleasure that can only be gained by cigars made in the time-honored tradition.

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Created in the Dominican Republic in 1996 by craftsmen schooled in their long standing tradition, the Española cigar combines the finest, most patiently cultivated tobaccos, to create a smoke like no other. This cigar is smooth and well-balanced with a subtle sweetness gleaned from its Connecticut and Maduro wrappers. The Española Fine Cigar gives the smoker a pleasure that can only be gained by cigars made in the time-honored tradition.

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JM Tobacco proudly unveils the 2024 Española Year of the Dragon cigar, a tribute to the significance of this iconic year. Crafted in the Dominican Republic with meticulous attention to detail, each cigar in this exclusive collection embodies the artistry and passion of our skilled artisans.

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