JM Tobacco and its family of fine cigars brings you its most price point cigar, JM’s Dominican. This cigar is hand rolled from well-aged Cuban seed tobacco leaves, grown in the rich soils of the Dominican Republic, then carefully wrapped with beautiful Sumatran, Connecticut, Corojo or Broadleaf Maduro wrappers. JM’s Dominicans are the perfect cigars for ‘Your Daily Choice.’
JM’s Dominican Sumatra is hand rolled from well-aged Cuban seed tobacco leaves, grown in the Dominican Republic, then wrapped carefully with a beautiful Sumatra wrapper. The mild to medium body make for a perfect daily cigar.
JM’s Dominican Maduro combines a broadleaf binder with a dark San Andres Maduro wrapper to create a hearty, bold cigar. The honey-like sweetness and the natural sweet aroma of the Connecticut broadleaf binder, make this cigar an enjoyable earth smoke.
JM’s Dominican Connecticut cigars use the delicate and attractive Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. This mild, sought after wrapper, produces a smooth and creamy smoke that is sure to please.
JM’s Dominican Corojo cigars offer a rich and spicy flavor, due to its sun-drenched, reddish-brown Corojo wrapper. This full bodied cigar, with hints of pepper, cedar, and cocoa, offers a spicy quality with peppery smoothness.
JM’s Dominican Sumatra is hand rolled from well-aged cuban seed tobacco leaves, grown in the Dominican Republic, then wrapped carefully with a beautiful Sumatra, wrapper. The mild to medium body make for a perfect daily cigar.
JM’s Dominican Maduro combines a broadleaf binder with a dark San Andres Maduro wrapper to create a hearty, bold cigar. The honey-like sweetness of the Connecticut Broadleaf binder, make this cigar an enjoyable earthy smoke.
Celebrate and announce the special occasion with our JM’s Dominican It’s a Boy! cigars. The cigar hand rolled from well aged Cuban seed tobacco leaves, grown in the rich soils of the Dominican Republic, then wrapped carefully with a beautiful Sumatra wrapper.
It’s a Girl! cigars are hand rolled from well aged Cuban seed tobacco leaves, grown in the rich soils of the Dominican Republic, with a beautiful Sumatra wrapper. Each cigar is individually cellophaned and labeled, making it a wonderful gift, you’ll always cherish.