Since 1995, family owned JM Tobacco has brought you a variety of hand made Dominican cigars for an affordable price.

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Since 1995, family owned JM Tobacco has brought you a variety of hand made Dominican cigars for an affordable price.

How it all started ...

Crafting something that endures takes time and character. You’ll find plenty of both in the people and history that make JM Tobacco.

A birthday gift from a 17 year old to his father, California jeweler John Mahroukian, led to the creation of Los Angeles-based JM Tobacco, Inc. Anto Mahroukian, president of JM Tobacco, delights in recounting the story.

“It was my dad’s birthday in 1994,” Mahroukian recalls. “I bought him an expensive cigar. I don’t even remember what it was, but it cost about $20. He smoked it and he liked it. He asked how much I paid for it, and when I told him, he was shocked.”

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